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A career as a disability support worker can be highly rewarding yet challenging, as there are certain qualities that are important to being a good support worker. In this blog, we will discuss what we believe are five qualities a good support worker should possess.
A good support worker is empathetic. Being empathetic involves putting yourself in the other person’s shoes so you can better understand how the person is feeling and what is making them feel that way. It involves listening to the other person’s needs and showing you care. It also helps in building a trusting relationship between the support worker and their client.
Some clients may take longer to complete tasks; therefore, it is important for the support worker to remain patient and calm. It involves empowering the client through constantly encouraging them and assisting them when they need help. This will help the client to feel comfortable, independent and supported by the support worker.
A good support worker is respectful towards their client. This involves treating their client as an equal, respecting their feelings and needs. It also involves asking the client what their goals are, how they want to achieve them and helping the client become more independent.
A client’s needs and wants can change regularly, so it is important for a support worker to be able to adapt to different situations and people. This also involves remaining calm under pressure and being able to reassure the client when they are feeling stressed or anxious.
Client’s will have days where they may be thinking negatively, therefore it is important for a support worker to remain positive and supportive with the client. This involves encouraging and motivating the client to achieve their goals. Positivity also helps in improving the client’s confidence and self-esteem.
Thank you for reading. We hope this blog has been helpful.
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