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Dementia affects the brain in different ways, some people with dementia may engage in aggressive behaviour. Some examples of aggressive behaviours include swearing, shouting, making threats, physical violence against another person and hitting objects. This can be distressing for people to see their loved ones with dementia acting this way. It is important to understand that it is not the person’s fault they are reacting that way, they can’t help how their brain is functioning. However, there are things you can do to help people with dementia manage and prevent their aggressive behaviour.
First, it is important to identify the triggers of what is causing the person with dementia’s aggressive behaviour. Find out what happened before their outburst. For example, they may be having trouble communicating and may be acting out of frustration, therefore it is important to remain patient and calm with them when they are communicating with you. Or you could have approached them in a way that scared them, which has caused them to become aggressive. Once you know the triggers that are causing the aggressive behaviour, you will be able to avoid activating these triggers in the future.
In addition, creating a calm environment for the person with dementia, can help relieve their outbursts. For example, stimulating and loud environments could be making them feel uncomfortable and unsafe. By ensuring they are in a safe and quiet environment will help them remain calm. It also may help to distract them when they are feeling agitated. You could offer to go for a walk with them, have something to eat or ask for their help with something. If you are still having trouble calming them down, seek help from a family member or friend, someone that they respond well too, who may be able to help calm them down. It also may help to seek advice from a doctor or a counsellor.
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